FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Obsessions, Old and New

I’m not sure you have to be obsessive to be an artist, but plenty of artists have made bodies of work that are naturally described that way. The best-known examples tend to be individually produced:

Art for Christmas?

A seasonal tradition has developed of showing works small and affordable enough that they could plausibly make gifts. Flowers Gallery have the longest-running current exhibition with such a premise: this is the 39th year of ‘Small is Beautiful’

Not Quite What We Were Meant To See

When wondering what artists are seeking to express, it is worth remembering that we may not be looking at what they intended us to see. That struck me as I strolled around the Ashmolean in Oxford – not a bad place to wander, of course.

Beyond the Uncanny

Plenty of shows bring together paintings of figures and objects in unusual contexts or brought into unexpected conjunctions: the words ‘uncanny’ and ‘enigmatic’, ‘disturbing’ and ‘surreal’ are likely to be invoked. But, even if the paintings are good, you need more to turn such a display into a compelling whole. Two current exhibitions demonstrate how:

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