FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

The Top 5 Art Christmas Gifts

Beginning a week-long look at art gifts for Christmas on FAD magazine Tabish Khan the @LondonArtCritic has picked 5 Christmas gifts – no need to blow the budget and great gifts for even those who don’t celebrate Christmas.

Joana Vasconcelos Tutti Frutti 2019 Photo Jonty Wilde

Joana Vasconcelos: Beyond is her largest exhibition to date in the UK

Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) presents a major exhibition of over 25 works by leading conceptual Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos. One of the most prominent female visual art practitioners in the world, this is Vasconcelos’ largest exhibition ever held in the UK and YSP’s headline presentation for 2020 in a year of programming dominated by women artists.

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