FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Cindy Sherman earrings, Courtesy of LizWorks

The Cameo Come Back

2019 saw a returned interest in the ancient art of cameo jewellery. Wartski’s held a exhibition of cameo’s by Europe’s greatest gem engravers and Liz Swig, founder of LizWorks, unveiled of a breathtakingly modern interpretation of the ancient medium by artists Catherine Opie and Cindy Sherman at the Venice Biennale.

Positive Fashion The Cycle of Life: Upcycling stones and bones with the London based, New York raised jewellery designer, Tarra Rosenbaum:

Sustainability and diversity are increasingly important key-words in the fashion industry. Climate change protesters used London Fashion Week as a stage for spreading the message and to ask questions about where are clothes coming from. The increased awareness and active engagement with positive fashion has inspired many designers to become more imaginative with where they source materials.

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