FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Could blockchain revolutionize the casino industry?

In recent years we’ve seen a huge change in the traditional casino model and it’s great to see land-based casinos embracing technology at every opportunity. From facial recognition to poker chips with RFID technology, casinos are working tirelessly to improve the experience of their players while also protecting their investment. 

KAWS, COMPANION (EXPANDED), 2020, augmented reality. Courtesy: KAWS and Acute Art

The Art of Technology

As our future progresses, everything is changing and those that adapt survive. If a budding artist is looking to supplement their earnings with real money


First impressions are key. They matter the most and believe it or not, people first notice the shoes you adorn before moving to the other aspects of your outfit. Picking the right pair of shoes is paramount because you are on your feet the majority of the time and the last thing you want are uncomfortable shoes that make you walk like a clown hence draining your self-confidence and affects the posture of your body.

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