FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

The Upcoming: Travion Payne

In the first of this new FAD series of interviews with upcoming talent, Lee Sharrock talks to 27 year old artist Travion Payne about his love of Caravaggio, redressing the cultural imbalance in art by putting black people in the forefront, and the power of Instagram in gaining exposure for unsigned artists.

The Legacy Restoration Trust, Nigeria, the British Museum and Adjaye Associates announce details of major archaeology project on the site of a new museum in Benin City.

As part of the ‘Rediscovering the History of Benin’ initiative announced today in Benin City, Nigeria, The Legacy Restoration Trust (LRT), the British Museum and Adjaye Associates are pleased to announce a major new archaeology project, linked to the construction of the newly named Edo Museum of West African Art (EMOWAA).

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