FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Review: Sarah Lucas: SITUATION

Racy imagery, tongue-in-cheek euphemisms, feminist interpretations and breath-taking sexualistion of everyday objects in Lucas’ work, is all brought together in a stunning retrospective of her entire collection, enabling “Situation” to bring something to the table for every visitor.

TOP 5 Posts on FAD this Week

An Interesting top 5 for FAD this week Pete Doherty leads the way with an exhibition of his ‘stuff’ in Camden Town then news of a new gallery in London and a new 6,000 sq ft space to compliment the other two Sadie Cole spaces, Tabish makes it back into the top 5 and surprised this wasn’t even more popular ! News of a two week retreat for artists in a beautiful part of Thailand.

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