FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Viviane Fallah:Free Range Emerging Art Award Artist #6 Answers FAD’s Questions

ba3 vfalah 'morphology'




Free Range 4

Free Range 4

This Year FAD have teamed up with Degree Art and Cass Art to help launch The Free Range Emerging Art Award .
Over the coming weeks we will be interviewing all 10 winners of the 2013 award. As well as reading about the artists on FAD you will be able to buy their work via DegreeArt.com and FAD will also be following how all ten progress during the next year .

Here is the 6th Interview Viviane Fallah from Oxford Brookes University

1. How was Free Range for you?
It was interesting to exhibit at Free Range, for me communication is valuable; sharing thoughts and interpretations of how my work has developed has given me more insight and enthusiasm about my practice. I met a lot of artists, which was really great I enjoyed meeting the people who lived or worked in the area. For me this kind of collaboration of humanness is important and very rewarding for all of us.

2. What do you hope to achieve in your first year after graduation?
Well first of all I will be studying a MA in contemporary art and music. I felt the need to carry on and research more into my work practice. I would like to make more contacts in the art world and meet with other artists/designers.

3. Can you tell us more about your work and what are the main ideas you would like to express?
My work expresses morphologies; structures of organic forms that come from the desire to recreate using repetition This is a process of the unknown a translation of words into imagery by physically moving round and round in circles staying in a zone until a structure begins to form, It is very much like endurance art its exciting to see this metamorphis happen they are full of depth, texture and movement. The seed heads are done the same using repetition Fibonacci sequences and mathematical equations to recreate natural forms using toothpicks, which I transform into 3 dimensional sculptures. During the show a viewer noticed whilst we stepped back from them they appeared to be levitating this was not intentional these illusions are becoming more and more of a reality in my work. From the viewer to the artist it was a very exciting discovery.

4. How do you start the process of making work?
I look and observe the intricacy in nature, life; I want to capture the vibration the frequency using the complexity of repetition. The forms that appear from this process are always organic.

5. Do you consider the viewer, when making your work?
?Yes always, from my eyes I am also the viewer I like things to be aesthetically pleasing

6. Name 3 artists that have inspired your work.
Thomas Heatherwick, Sol Lewit, Tom Friedman and so many more.

7. What defines something as a work of art?
Originality, the quality of its existence as I find art touches us all on different emotional levels. They say ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ we all have different values on art and what is a work of art.

8. Anytime, any place – which artist’s body would you most like to inhabit?
Off the top of my head or from deep within? Upon that note I will try and enjoy the body I am in., Ah I just thought of someone Arshielle Gorky.

9. What was the most intelligent thing that someone said or wrote about your work?
“I think that your work is so obsessive so compulsive that I have to look at it again and again”

10. How did you find exhibiting at Free Range ?
I found that the people who came to the show were inspired, absorbed and showed appreciation due to the time and effort in the process of making the work. It made me realise the ritualistic process in which my art has progressed is empowering to others through my perseverance, endurance, patience and hard work paid off in the end. Free Range has given me a wonderful platform of opportunities in the creative and art industry. I would recommend that all graduate students take the opportunity to come to Brick lane and show your creativity to a new and wider audience. We learn to grow and that is a valuable lesson and one worth paying for.

10. Have you investigated selling your art online ?
Yes I have a web page vfallah.wix.com/artist I would also like to get a portfolio done with DegreeArt.com

11. What’s next for you?
?I am going with the flow in this moment in time. I have been approached by Comme-des-garcons Rei Kawakubo who has chosen 2 of my artworks for her S/S collection 2014. I am really excited about this collaboration and hopefully this will give me more opportunities to work with other designers. I have been asked if I would consider doing furniture design so I am considering different fields. I am a bit of an all rounder I come from a design craft background. Saatchi online contacted me to enter the New Sensations competition; which I have and a few galleries have approached me also to exhibit this year. I have just been featured in Amelia’s online magazine. Lets see what happens next.

Read Eve Laws Q & A number 1: HERE

Read Charlotte Cousins Q & A number 2 : HERE

Read Ina Tricker Q & A number 3 : HERE

Read Nathan Little Q & A number 4: HERE

Read Esme Eros Q & A number 5 : HERE

About The Free Range Emerging Art Award
The ‘Free Range emerging art award” has been created in conjunction with FAD, Degree Art and Cass Art, designed to support 10 young artists in the year following their graduation.

As an annual showcase of British-based art and design graduates, Free Range brings together a vast network of young graduates for a series of free exhibitions at The Old Truman Brewery on London’s Brick Lane. Over a hundred courses and more than 3000 students exhibit their work across five disciplines: fashion & textiles; design; photography & media; contemporary & fine art; interior design & architecture.

FAD, Degree Art & Cass Art are all committed to discovering and nurturing new art talent and, under the guidance of founder and creative director Tamsin O’Hanlon, Free Range has long been dedicated to providing a support network to students after graduation.

The 10 recipients of the award will be selected from the graduate work exhibited at Free Range’s Art weeks (28th June – 8th July) by a panel of industry experts: Mark Westall (founder and creative director of FAD), Elinor Olisa (Co-Founder of DegreeArt), James Bidwell, (CEO of Cass Art), Ryan Stanier (Director of The Other Art Fair) and Tamsin O’Hanlon (founder and creative director of Free Range). The 10 artists who the judging panel believe to have the potential to succeed, will all receive:
• Representation and mentoring from DegreeArt, who specialise in identifying and mentoring talented graduates
• On-going editorial coverage and support from FAD
• A £100 bursary from Cass Art
• Automatic entry into the Signature Art Prize
An Exhibition in 2014 at The Truman Brewery


Free Range is an Old Truman Brewery special project set up by Tamsin O’Hanlon to provide new creative graduates with the opportunity to showcase their work on an international level. Attracting visitor numbers of over 100,000, the annual Free Range exhibitions present the work of thousands of art, design students in several distinct categories including: fashion, art, graphics, photography and interior design.

DegreeArt.com was founded in 2003 and is one of the UK’s first Online Art Galleries. Over the past 10 years, DegreeArt.com has established itself as the market leader in UK student and graduate art sales, hand picking and promoting the most promising artistic talent. DegreeArt.com offers clients the opportunity to invest in the artists of the future.

?????????Cass Art is London’s leading independent art retailer offering the world’s finest art materials. Committed to encouraging everyone to realise their creative talents, Cass Art supports and ?promotes emerging talent through a number of prizes and art initiatives across the capital.



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This Year FAD have teamed up with Degree Art and Cass Art to help launch The Free Range Emerging Art Award .
Over the coming weeks we will be interviewing all 10 winners of the 2013 award. As well as reading about the artists on FAD you will be able to buy their work via DegreeArt.com and FAD will also be following how all ten progress during the next year .

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