At FAD, as you know, we love interesting cultural stuff. We were thinking, ‘Wouldn’t it be great to find out what the best global creative brains are into right now?’, so we decided to start asking. And then we decided that they should be self selecting. So last time out we had Mark Goodwin Creative Director at M&C Saatchi, copywriter and founder of fledgling T-shirt brand milk.inc and he nominated Grant Parker Head of Art and Creative Director at M&C Saatchi London.

1 Some Art I’m Interested In
The work of the two artists Pons and Rao based in India, is perfection www.porsandrao.com. Beautifully crafted and with a sense of humour.
Aparna Rao shows off their work in this brilliant Ted Talk. An inspiring piece that shows how refreshing art can be when it comes out from up it’s own bum. www.ted.com

2 Some Culture I’m Interested In
I have fallen in love with the Clown Egg Register. It is simply a collection of painted eggs. It began back in 1946, when one of the founders of Clowns International, Stan Bult painted the unique make-up of clowns onto eggshells to keep track of the performers that joined. Each egg now acts as a copyright register for clowns and their make-up design.
These images shot by Luke Stephenson.
If you do suffer from coulrophobia, then don’t visit The Clown Museum at the Holy Trinity Church (Beechwood Road, Dalston, London, E8 3DY) where you can see some of these eggs on display, and definitely do not click on this link to some beautiful portraits of real clowns, not eggs, by Andy Lo Po: www.andylopo.com/clowns

3 Some Style I’m Interested In
Have recently discovered the Percival shop on Berwick Street. They make a lot of their garments downstairs with a focus on “lasting and considered design, local production and quality workmanship”. Which simply means that now you don’t need to look like a tree hugger to be one. www.percivalclo.com

4 Some Tech I’m Interested In
It makes no sense just why this app is so beguiling. It creates such perfect imperfections, and is a hugely enjoyable time waster. glitche.com
5 Some Design I’m Interested In
And continuing with the idea of wasting time… Our deeply talented Head of Design here at work, Simon Warden, has an ongoing project that I covet on many levels. He is doing a series of infographics plotting the time that he has lost whilst commuting. Apart from the obvious appeal of the designs in their own right, I am tickled by the fact that wasting time can end up making such things of beauty.
You can find and follow him here:
#LostLife2015 and here: @lostlife2015
Simon is going to publish a limited edition print of the whole years info-graphic, with proceeds going to charity
6 My nomination for the next column:
I nominate Damien Bellon Art Director at BETC in Paris.
About Grant Parker
Grant Parker is Head of Art and Creative Director at M&C Saatchi London.
Read the first THAT’S Interesting: fadwebsite.com/2014/01/26/graham-fink
Read the second THAT’S Interesting:fadwebsite.com/2015/02/09/mark-goodwin