Curator and artist Rod Kitson picks 10 exhibits from the Class of 2020 show. It is remaining open with increased Covid precautions through tier 3, as it is within a shop.
I love every one of the 280 exhibits in the Class of 2020, and they all have a story to tell – so in no particular order, here are 10 interesting exhibits…
Rod Kitson
Anna Walsh Emissaries of Hope and Possibility

Based on a Victorian board game, this brings the subversive nature of those pastimes very much into the present, while highlighting the re-wilding of our cities as humans stayed at home.
Sylvia Difino Popcorn Art

Sylvia’s 100 drawings were made during Zoom portrait meetups and are filed in alphabetical order. Many of the subjects are artists who also have work in the show, and you get a free bag of popcorn when you buy one – for just £3 each.
Fran Marriott Sick As Your Secrets

This interactive work invites visitors to bare their secrets by writing on the exhibit in invisible ink – only revealing themselves when the UV light is shone on it.
Sally Eldars Life in Tatters

A thought-provoking and poignant piece highlighting the plight of child refugees, which is made from found objects including drawers, netting and shoes.
Charlie Butler Robot

Charlie made this from discarded materials at the Boxed In cardboard workshop which I was running in the space before Class of 2020 opened. It’s a warm and optimistic presence which welcomes visitors into the exhibition.
Isaku Gotoh Talking to Themselves

This exquisite resin sculpture speaks of the fragility and solitude in the experience of living through 2020.
Creative Connections Group Cat

The collaborative work here is by a group headed by Peter Martin, which was mailed to each artist in turn and added to. It is a piece unique to, and borne out of, the lockdown situation.
Sarah Victoria Spence Life Behind Closed Doors: A Portrait of Vice #1

A powerful and well-balanced portrait, semi-abstracted and part of a series of three which signpost the private goings-on during lockdown.
David Gollancz Checked

Checked is a painting on the reverse of an unfinished abstract work by the artist’s late father, Oliver Gollancz. David takes the story full circle while alluding to the mystery of its first incarnation.
Paul Hensman The Cutty Sark

Paul is from a group local to my community called Helping Hands. I love the directness of this work, adorned with maritime rope. Nautical but nice!
“Class of 2020” runs until December 23rd. Unit 38, Upper Floor, Surrey Quays Shopping Centre, Rotherhithe, SE16 7LL
10 am to 6 pm daily (5 pm Sundays, 12-7 pm Thursdays).
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If you can’t make it IRL then to buy the work or enquire, email or DM @rodkitsonart on Instagram. Prices do not include shipping.