FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Joy Miessi at the Arto LIFEWTR lounge Frieze London 2019

Arto LIFEWTR, Joy Miessi Frieze London: 2019 FAD magazine

Arto LIFEWTR®, a premium water brand committed to advancing and showcasing emerging artists on a global stage exhibited it’s upcoming design series (launching Spring 2020) Unconventional Canvas, at this year’s Frieze London. Art by John Booth, Rose Pilkington and Joy Miessi was on display in the Arto LIFEWTR lounge.
FAD managed to have a chat with all three artists at Frieze about their art practice, working with Arto LIFEWTR and more, below is the first with artist Joy Messi.

Arto LIFEWTR x Frieze London: 2019 FAD magazine

Can you tell us a bit about your art practice the mediums you use and the subjects you like to investigate
I’m an artist with an illustration background, I use a range of mediums such as scrap wood, clothing and fabrics as a canvas. My work is always personal and marks stories and memories from my day to day.

Where do you find inspiration for your creativity?
From conversations with my mum, looking through old photo albums and from my dreams.

How has it been working with Arto LIFEWTR?
I’ve been able to translate my work in a way that I wouldn’t have imagined, having one of my small paperworks enlarged and filling a space and seen in a new way. It’s exciting. I’ve also been supported all throughout the project by Monica (Fernandez-Taranco) who curated the Unconventional Canvas series, so I’m grateful that Arto LIFEWTR put us in touch.

Can you tell us about the work you produced for this collaboration
For the bottle, I created a collage using card, electrical tape, pastels, stamps…a selection of things I had around me. Within the lounge, I was given the opportunity to showcase my unconventional canvas works on clothing.

Finally what plans do you have for 2020
I haven’t thought that far ahead as it can be a bit overwhelming but I do hope to exhibit my work in NY and to create a short film.

Joy Miessi translates moments, conversations, feelings and intimate thoughts into mixed media artworks. Their work features thick lines, bold colours and stylized faces, with pieces that focus on experiences, social issues and documenting day-to-day life. They often use unconventional materials to build their artworks, such as electrical tape or an old stamp. Joy was one of twenty artists commissioned for a campaign celebrating the contributions of London’s most iconic women and was also one of 30 women and non-binary artists featured in an exhibition celebrating human rights. @joymiessi

Unconventional Canvas from Arto LIFEWTR launches Spring 2020 @artolifewtr



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