FAD Magazine

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Bedwyr Williams Performance at Frieze





Here are some pictures of Bedwyr Williams’s performance yesterday afternoon at Frieze.
He dissected a life-size curator made out of cake, complete with internal organs and covered in marzipan skin.

The performance was courtesy of the Grizedale Arts and Frieze Foundation food-related programme: Colisseum of the Consumed.

Broadcaster and curator Tim Marlow (White Cube) was good game – he ate the bald curator’s spongy penis! Other takers included Louise Wright, Arts Council Wales commissioner for Wales In Venice, at the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013, who I think got a finger and Ben Borthwick, Chief Executive, Artes Mundi, ate a bit of liver.

Bedwyr Williams will represent Wales in Venice at the 55th Venice Biennale, 2013, curated by Mostyn and Oriel Davies galleries.

Bedwyr Williams: Dear Both opens today, Friday 12th October. There is a preview tonight from 6.30 – 8.30pm, at Ceri Hand Gallery, 71 Monmouth Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9DG.

After-party (invite only) with comedy performances from Bedwyr Williams, Kim Noble, Johnny Sorrow, Joanna Neary, plus contenders for The Bedwyr Award for Humorous Performance, Friday 12 October, 9pm until late at The Phoenix Artist Club, 1 Phoenix Street, London WC2H 8BU.




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