Calling all artists and artist-led groups, projects, galleries and publishers from across Europe and the UK.
Contents May Vary are hosting Manchester’s very first art car boot fair on Saturday 4th of July 2009 and are looking for 50-70 artists, artist-led groups, projects, galleries and publishers to participate. The event is part of “Trade City” at the CHIPS building in Manchester City Centre and will be coinciding with the Manchester International Festival.
ANTIFREEZE is an exhibition about the high end art market delivered within the format of low end trade. If you don’t like the art market, smash the back of your car up and bring it to us, bring your Betamax players and sell them four ten million dollars a piece. Its not an opportunity to show watercolours of your favourite stroll through the grounds of Peveril Castle out the back of your Volvo or a chance to make 20 quid knocking out your grannies china, its a chance to make art about a this insidious welt within contemporary art or about its powerful force that shows the rest of the world just how much art can transcend a recession and the grip Government control. We will build you a cheap platform and you bring the ideas. ANTIFREEZE is the grass roots answer to hugely commercial art fairs allowing independent and non-commercial practitioners to explore ideas of value, exchange and independence.
Proposals should fully outline the exhibition aspect, responding to the physical, social, economical, geographical and/or literal situation. Participants will be provided with an average car parking space to park and install.
We already have site responsive installations, performances, video installations, zine stalls and temporary gallery sites signed up… and are looking for more!
Price: £10 per 5.5m x 2.4m pitch for the day
There is no fee to apply and there is a selection process.
You will only be informed if your application is successful at which point your £10 pitch fee will be requested.
Participants will be responsible for transportation and installation.
No technical support can be provided.
No mains electricity available.
No commissions will be taken.
For a 5.5m x 2.4m pitch at the ANTIFREEZE: Send a 500 word maximum proposal with supporting images and web links to:
Deadline: 15th June 2009
More information on Trade City: Centred on the notion of trade pursued as a livelihood, this exhibition reflects the trading that has taken place between the artists and curators making up 13 independent, citywide, art initiatives. This alternative economy draws reference from and plays off the city’s pioneering economic heritage. Through Trade City, Contemporary Art Manchester proposes an innovative approach to displaying the social transactions of contemporary art at this moment.
The partners within CAM consortium are unified in their role to programme artists’ work, through diverse and innovative curatorial frameworks including exhibition, screening and publication formats. Current partners of CAM include twenty+3 projects, 100th Monkey, Bureau, Castlefield Gallery, Contents May Vary, Edmundson & Quaife, Exocet, FutureEverything, Gymnasium, Interval, Islington Mill Art Academy, Harfleet and Jack, Salford Restoration Office and Rogue Project Space.