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David Risley’s window paintings on show at Hunted Projects

Hunted Projects recently opened Night Is Also A Sun, an exhibition of new window paintings by David Risley.

David Risley, Blind, Watercolour on clay ground on wood, 180 x 120 cm, 2024.

During nighttime walks around Copenhagen with his dog, Risley takes note of the apartment windows in his neighbourhood. They are uniformly uncurtained and adorned with plants and the warm glow of a lamp. Occasionally there are deviations – stickers, blinds, or patterned net curtains that restrict the view while hinting at a portrait of the unseen residents.

Installation view David Risley, Night Is Also A Sun | Window Paintings – 31st August 2024, Hunted Projects

Risley’s work ingeniously plays with the concept of a window, where the frame of the painting itself mirrors the frame of the window depicted. This clever use of framing creates a literal representation while simultaneously challenging the traditional Renaissance, Albertian idea of painting as a window that mimics reality. Instead, Risley’s paintings emphasise their surfaces and illusions, establishing their own truth. The fixed format of these window paintings provides a territory for Risley to explore endless possibilities, granting him the licence to both challenge and experiment with the medium of painting. Some of the windows are rendered almost exactly as Risley saw them from the street, others contain allusions to art historical themes and styles.  As viewers engage with these works, our eyes are guided through the painted window to the scenery beyond, creating a dynamic visual experience. Simultaneously, the paintings arrest the viewer’s attention, emphasising that the artwork is not an actual window but an object mounted on the gallery wall.

Installation view David Risley, Night Is Also A Sun | Window Paintings – 31st August 2024, Hunted Projects

As a foreigner living in an area where these windows are homogeneous, David Risley sees them as an outsider looking in. This perspective is reflected in his work, inviting contemplation on the nature of perception and the role of art in reframing reality.

Installation view David Risley, Night Is Also A Sun | Window Paintings – 31st August 2024, Hunted Projects

David Risley, Night Is Also A Sun | Window Paintings – 31st August 2024, Hunted Projects

About the artist

David Risley (UK, 1972), lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. Risley, who makes paintings, writes, curates and teaches, co-founded Zoo Art Fair, London and CHART Art Fair, Copenhagen. He ran David Risley Gallery for 20 years, representing established and emerging artists. Risley has a BA in Fine Art, Painting from Bath School of Art (1991-1994).

Recent and upcoming solo shows include A Hug from the Artworld, NYC, 2025, The Water or the Wave, Kostyal Gallery, Stockholm, 2022, Midnight Special, Gæsteværelset, Copenhagen, 2021 and The River Doesn’t Care, Ekely, Copenhagen, 2021.



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