FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

This Year’s Cubism

107 artists have made works in a Perspex cube for the third edition of Cure3 , which provides the triple good of keenly-priced chances to obtain interesting art in a good cause – The Cure Parkinson’s Trust, which has described sufferers as feeling ‘boxed in’.  The cubes make for an entertaining exhibition at Bonham’s up to the end of Monday, but the online presentation and supporting information is also exemplary. Prices are fixed – it isn’t an auction – with sales online only, starting 8.00 on Tuesday. I reckon you’d have to be up pretty early to get any of these five cubes, all of which make use of unusual materials.

Rana Begum: No. 993 Net (top image). Memories of fishing as a child in Bangladesh lie behind Rana Begum’s use of fishing nets – here fluorescently spray painted – to explore the meeting of colour and geometry and light which runs through all of her work.  That’s actually 6 x 7m of net jammed into the cube. £4,000.

Claire Morgan: Grey Area, 2020. Thistle seeds, extended by mirroring, appear to float delicately in the containing cube. Nice how an extremely fleeting and chance-driven natural encounter is rendered permanent and implausibly ordered as Morgan fixes the flux. £8,000.

Troika: Reality is Not Always Probable, 2020. Typical of the London-based trio’s fascination for how the world is ordered. And again, what is normally random – the fall of dice – is regimented as 3,892 coloured dice follow a computer algorithm, rendering 2D into 3D as they go, and revealing quite different perspectives from each side. £4,000.

Andy Goldsworthy: Wool Box, 2020.  This material is selling at a pointed multiple of the market rate.  ‘At the moment’, says Goldsworthy, ‘the price of a fleece hardly covers the cost of shearing the sheep. As a consequence, less and less shearing takes place, and at this time of the year the fields around my home become littered with wool as it is shed by the sheep…’. £5,000.

Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva: The Three Graces, 2018. Sticking with sheep, these are their testicles, held up with brass wire – actually not a rare material for the Macedonian, currently in the quarantine required after returning to Brighton from a family visit. She loves to find the beauty in waste products from the meat industry, has previously used ovine gonads to make purses. £2,500.

Art writer and curator Paul Carey-Kent sees a lot of shows: we asked him to jot down whatever came into his head



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