FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

ART COMPETITION: Create the Camden Lock Ness Monster

People have been searching for this elusive creature for years with only the odd shopping trolley recovered for their trouble. A few claim to have seen it late at night… but let’s just say their accounts are sketchy…

So, what does this mythical beast look like? Well Camden, you tell us.

Now is your chance to help us ‘Create the Camden Lock Ness Monster’ and put it on show in the canal for everyone to see, download the template and create the monster using no more than 4 of the festival colours. – See the programme page for all of these.

The winning design will be chosen and turned into an monumental 8 metre long monster to sit in the canal over the course of the festival.

With help from our friends Big Stuff Design who have been responsible for all the large pieces of artwork that have decorated Camden High Street over the last 20 years, the monster will be made a reality and no longer a creature of myth.

Closing date for entries is 6pm Monday 5th May.



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