FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

GO SEE: Louise McNaught : Supernatural Private view @DegreeArt This #FirstThursday




4th July 2013 The DegreeArt.com Gallery, 12a Vyner Street, London, E2 9DG

This is Louise McNaught’s inaugural solo exhibition and residency. McNaught graduated from Greenwich University with a BA Hons in Fine Art in 2012, since then she has made phenomenal developments both in her progression and artistic output.

During her residency at Degreeart, McNaught will be exploring the concept of ‘Animals as Deities’ drawing inspiration from symbolism, mythologies, folklore and religion; where nature is viewed as something sacred. McNaught will seek to heighten and elevate their status through her artwork and imagery. Her paintings vary in scale and medium, from small and precious works through to large iconic pieces. McNaught has always given nature centre stage in her work, as something mysterious, infinite and boundless and something we don’t fully understand yet…

Time-lapse Video of the creation of ‘Wild Spirit’ Painting at Degreeart Gallery (2013) from Degree Art on Vimeo.

McNaught’s creations feature natures and the celestial realms in glorious, blazing neon hues, which creates a startling aesthetic where animals are sublime and ethereal in their luminescence. Not wishing to limit her subject matter, McNaught has a mixed-media approach which usually manifests in painted-drawings on traditional and sometimes unusual supports, such as celestial maps.

To further heighten the viewer’s perception the residency space itself will be transformed into a shrine further echoing the divinity of the animals depicted. McNaught is hoping to share with the viewer the awe that the natural world inspires within her.


DegreeArt are also running a competition on Twitter & Instagram all you have to do is ‘Name’ Louise’s light installation and post it on Twitter/Instgram using the #Supernatural the winner will receive a bulb painted by Louise. #Supernatural #DAresidency @DegreeArt



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