Cordy House a brand new venue with 20,000 square feet of event space
located in the heart of Shoreditch.
Cordy House has 6 floors, which include a basement ad two huge roof terraces.
11am – ONWARDS 87-95 Curtain Road, EC2 3SB
Show includes: Infinity Bunce, Jason Atomic, Espira, Josie McCoy,
Sardine and Toberoni of Monkey Box.
This exhibition is a two day events in conjunction with the Shoreditch
Shuffle. Shoreditch Shuffle Held over 17 venues in and around the
Shoreditch Triangle The Shoreditch Shuffle will offer up a wealth of
talent including the best bands, artists, fashion, Theatre, Burlesque,
Short Film, comedy and performance along with rooftop BBQ.
Eureka is a dyslexic mix of the use of portraiture in many guises,
both in performance and style. From Mr. Atomic, who uses marker pens to
capture a private view audience with his marker pen in a comic book
style of his own, to Josie McCoy’s paintings often replicating a
moment of a film, paralyzed and struck by an eerie choice of colour
palette which echo a lost moment of a film, reinvented in paint. The
subjects painted convey a photorealistic mask-like quality. Infinity’s
visions of portrait paintings, conversely, are of urban youth culture
which are influenced by street art and built up with carefully
manipulated layers of gloss epoxy resin. Even Infinity’s gloss painted
comic teenagers, who often evoke a difficult stare at the audience,
almost jump out of the painting when they look at Epira’s open-legged
porn models with gun turrets for heads and bloody anatomical
aberrations prints. And if that wasn’t enough, a few more steps into
the exhibition space we see the work of Sardine and Toberoni who, like
Jason Atomic, are performative conceptual painters. Jason Atomic
solely engages in an audience and captures them, Toberoni and Sardine,
on the other hand, work on one painting together; Toberoni will paint
on the left and Sardine will paint on the left, synergistic coupling
to produce conceptual punk paintings in a planned naive style.