UNTITLED, ART has been extended through Sunday, August 9th . Powered by Artland it bills itself as
“the world’s first virtual reality art fair, constructed with the latest advancements in cutting-edge technology to provide a fully immersive and interactive digital experience as never before seen in the art world.”
I wouldn’t say it is at the cutting edge of VR tech but that in my opinion is a good thing, what we can say is it is fun, easy to use and you can get to where you want too easily, quickly and find info about the artworks that catch your eye very quickly. Also with just 40 exhibitors its v manageable and you do not get overwhelmed by info and images aparently this has also lead to solid sales as UNTITLED ART have said:
“Early statistics for UNTITLED, ART Online have demonstrated that this technology is proof of concept that it is possible to convert art sales through an e-commerce platform when there is genuine discovery and highly interactive features to support real time negotiations.”
So get viewing, below are our Top 7 booths to see at UNTITLED,ART viewed on an iPhone XR (some artworks we couldnt see as only available on desktop) and you have until this Sunday August 9th 23:59 PM.
1 Altman Siegel San Francisco B2
Group show exhibiting Alex Olson, Chris Johanson, Koak, Matt Keegan, Richard Mosse, Sara VanDerBeek and Trevor Paglen.
2 Bitforms New York A12
Group show exhibiting Addie Wagenknecht, Auriea Harvey, Claudia Hart, Clement Valla, Jonathan Monaghan, Marina Zurkow, Sara Ludy, Siebren Versteeg.
3 Latchkey New York B5
Group show Dana Robinson, Emanuel Torres, Michael Kondel and Rudy Shepherd.
4 SimSmith London C12
Group show Daisy Paris, David Surman, Kate Groobey and Tim Garwood.
5 Ochi Projects Los Angeles C7
Group show Devind Farrand, Hana Ward and Rakeem Cunningham.
6 Kavi Gupta Gallery Chicago B11
Group exhibition Alred Conteh, Angel Otero, Beverly Fishman, Clare Rojas, Gerald Williams, Jeffrey Gibson, Jessica Stockholder, Roger Brown Estate, Wadsworth Jarrell and Young-Il Ahn.
7 Nils Staerk Copenhagen A4
Group show Dario Escobar, Eduardo Terrazas, Gardar Eide Einarsson and Mads Gamdrup
8 Special mention for the views from the fair (see image at top)
UNITILED,ART closes Sunday August 9th 23:59 artland.com/untitled-art-online