FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

STRANGELOVE : The Queer Puppets Cabaret

STRANGELOVE is an ‘International time based arts fair’ which starts next week on Thursday March 9th in Folkestone. Over the next few days we will be talking to some of the exhibitors below we have Tatiana from Queer Puppets Cabaret.

What will you be showing at Strangelove Festival in March?
As the organiser and host of Queer Puppets Cabaret I aim to offer a variety of puppetry and performance work that pushes people out of their comfort zones through satire, irreverence, absurdity and humour. I want the event to have the potential to generate alternative views and feelings of life. For Strangelove their will be a wide range of performances across puppetry, live art and magic exploring a series of subjects from sex and education to death and family.

Artists include Tim Bromage, Eloise Fornieles, Fanki Mandalovitch, Skew Wiff, Wondering Hands, Jim Barnard and the puppet host Tatiana.

queerpuppetscabarettrailer from queer puppets cabaret on Vimeo.

2. What mediums do you work with?
I try not to limit myself to specific mediums but mostly I work across puppetry, live art, film, installation and sound. This is partly reflected in the cabaret although here puppetry is by far the emphasis.

3. How do you know when you have completed a work?
When it feels right. I see my practice as a life work made of many parts. Sometimes a part feels done and you move on. Its done then.

4. How important is the presentation of your work and viewer engagement?
There are things I do for myself but most of the times this engagement is essential as the work depends on others to be present. This is certainly the case with the cabaret where the audience is half of it. We can still do it for ourselves but its not the same thing. Whats created with the presence of other people is unique.

5. If you could choose to show your artwork in a non traditional art setting, where would that be?
Thats actually a large part of my practice’s history. I have done a lot of work on the streets, squats, industrial spaces, friends houses, bars, libraries and schools.

6. With the increasing evolution of technology, where do you see film in the next ten years?
I imagine a lot of it wont change that much. We are still mostly engaging with it through sound and image via a screen. The main difference to decades ago is the quality of those images and sounds (digital, surround etc.). And ironically, our screens are much smaller, somehow we are loosing here I feel. This said, I wonder where will virtual reality take film. I have a friend working for Dolby Digital (i think!?) who told me that VR technology is really out there now. Lets see.
7. If you could create a time based arts compilation, what would be on it?
My answer would be different everyday I reckon.
The Brazilian documentary Estamira, a video by Otelo M.F. I saw this last week in Portugal.


Starts 9th March 2017 Folkestone www.strangelovelondon.uk




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