FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

BIG DEAL No 7, SPACE 2016, is an exhibition set in 40,000 sq ft of central London space.

This weekend is your last chance to vist BIG DEAL No7 an amalgamation of imaginary ideas and processes related and created as a response to the genre of Science Fiction, this exhibition features; sculpture, photography, painting, film, video and audio installations by some 100 international artists and guest students from RCA.

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The possible and impossible worlds in Space and our own planet Earth open up vast scope for redefining of our collective fears and visions of the future. As a mirror for societies and equally an inspiration for participating artists, the ubiquitous themes of sci-fi genre remain ever relevant and far fetching. Androids, Artificial Intelligence and Robots raise the issue of difference between man and machine. Whether it is dealing with Aliens or Unknown Other, Environmental pollution and demise of our planet, Totalitarian Systems and its omnipresent surveillance or Mass Consumerism controlled by Tech industries which trade Space, we are left with the monotonous desire to remain connected, wired. Are we not alone? Our vision has narrowed down to a technocratic , highly efficient and fully automated society whilst artistic communities retreat underground to protect and salvage what is left remaining of a civilised world . We happily conjure a very peaceful vision of Neptune or Jupiter expedition and its ultimate failure.

Special guests from Royal Collage of Art, co curated by Kevin Walker, head of the RCA’s Information Experience Design programme will present two ideas; The Exploded Screen and Time Machines. Students in the Exploded Screen elective are presenting installations based on Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World, working with set design studio Block 9 and engaging with film and moving image in the broadest sense. Students working in the Time Elective are creating time machines. These works push beyond the conventional idea of a machine that transports us to the past or future, exploring technologies, objects, social and narrative structures and systems ( including biological ones ) that make time feel the way it does, and materialise alternatives to the notions of time that we experience in the present.

“Supporting Arts is an important part of bringing incredible ideas and works to be evaluated and engaged with by the art critics, art lovers and public in general, giving them the opportunity to view it in a different way. Art in this case themed around the idea of Science Fiction, Information Technology and Design will make it an inspiring exhibition which will bring an element of interaction, innovation and play for those who come and view it. Expect the unexpected. There really is nothing like it in the world of art we see today, the engaging of artists and the public in perfect harmony.”

Geoff Leong Foundation 2016

BIG DEAL is an annual non profit exhibition project established in the summer of 2008 by artist duo Emma CROFT & Vanya BALOGH. Designed to observe and re examine the role of art and its placement during the prolonged economic downturn, BIG DEAL serves as a forum for curatorial and artistic ideas that highlight and critique often disputed and fragile relationship between Art, Commerce and Business. Now celebrating its 9th anniversary, this years historic 10th exhibition is officially the very last group show in this series of off-site projects, which featured over 500 international artists and took place across various locations in London since December 2008.

BIG DEAL No7 SPACE 2016 In association with Geoff Leong Foundation
Location: Q – PARK 39 – 41 Whitcomb Street, London WC2 7DT 2nd – 10th December 2016


Participating artists @ SPACE 2016
Warren Thomas Garland, Alice Herrick,Colin Smith, Dallas Seitz, Maslen & Mehra, Abby Doherty, Jim Racine, Stacie McCormick, Cedric Christie, Jessica Voorsanger, Vanya Balogh, Gordon Faulds, Roger Clarke,Karen Ay, Steve Smith, Phoenix-Blu Coyle, Mario Varas Sanchez, Veronica Shimanovskaya, Julian Firth, Danny Pockets, Tomaz Kramberger, Aldo Giannotti, VALISextonSystems, Eva Raboso, Pascal Rousson, Sarah Pager,Keith Ball, India Roper-Evans, Miyuki Kasahara, Michal Ohana-Cole, Ashley Scott Fitzgerald, Marisa Polin, Taline Temizian Jessica Bailey, Calum F Kerr,Jude Cowan Montague, Doug Haywood, Mandee Gage, Hermione Allsopp, Birgitta Hosea,Geraldine Swayne, Susana Sanroman, Mark Woods, Gzillion Artist, Ekin Onat, Rebecca Scott, Phillip Raymond Goodman & DJ Holy Chao, Liz Sheridan, Spizz Energi,Rachel Megawhat,Susan Supercharged, Sarah Sparkes, Mark Wigan, Bob Lawson, Ot Lylie, Fiona Haines, Lee Maelzer, Paul Sakoilsky, Keith Ball, Andrea Morucchio, Toni Gallagher, Jeffrey Louis-Reed, Raul Pina Perez, Alina Gavrielatos, Joseph Sakoilsky, Negin Vaziri, Thomas J Ridley, Christopher Clack, Glen Fitzy Fitzpatrick , Toni Gallagher, Dannielle Hodson, Jane Grisewood, Harrrison Pearce, Joanna McCormick, Nadia Ballan, Sung Eun Chin, Ray Gange, Blair Zaye, Uliana Patina, Kevin Walker, Jonny Raven, Mona K John Plowman, Ansell Cizic, Julian Firth, Paul Tucker, Forge & Cutter.

Special Guests from Royal College Of Art Curated by Kevin Walker @ Information/ Experience/ Design Managed by Helga Schmidt and Charlotte Jarvis
Alexandra Bousi, Emilie Alstrup, Jack Brown, Emily Cole, Evgeniya Grigoryan, Vivian Hartung, Franziska Hatton, Jennifer Kidd, Georgi Stamenov Ruini Isi, Sara Stanton, Olivia Sullivan, Kate Amer, Katharina Wienen, Hyunsong Lee, Franc Camps-Ferber, Daniele Gannetti, Charikla Papas, Silke Steiniger, Kana Aoki, Oscar Warr , Junhyeok Sin, Daniel Matzak, Makiko Takashima.



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