FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

ART NEWS: SEE Vincent van Gogh’s left ear produced by means of artificially engendered living tissue

Diemut Strebe, Sugababe, 2014 (ongoing project) © Diemut Strebe

The exhibition of the work Sugababe by Diemut Strebe opened at the ZKM. The work is a replica of Vincent van Gogh’s left ear produced by means of artificially engendered living tissue.

The reconstruction not only has the form of van Gogh‘s ear; it is constituted of living cells which contain natural and artificial information derived from one of van Gogh’s envelopes. The ear’s tissue was produced by means of 3D printers. Visitors can speak to the ear through a microphone. The words change once they pass through the nutrient solution in which the ear is placed and penetrate the artificial nerve tissue. The sound, as perceived by the ear is, in turn, rendered audible through a sound installation. In Sugababe, Diemut Strebe, together with scientists, has regrown Vincent van Gogh’s ear. Vincent van Gogh probably represents more than any other artist the stereotypical romantic image of the artist as a genius.

Due to the preservability of the nutrient solution the work Sugababe will only be on display until July 6th, 2014 on the ground floor of the ZKM | Media Museum. Diemut Strebe is represented by the Feldman Gallery, which will present her work in New York in spring 2015.



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