FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

GOSEE : ?????????????????????????????


?????????????????????????????at Angus-Hughes Gallery
Curated by Mark Jackson, Curator at IMT Gallery

Carlos Noronha Feio , Flore Nové-Josserand , Alejandro Ospina , NaoKo TakaHashi.

Exhibition Continues until – 4 November 2012 Friday to Sunday 12-6pm, or by appointment 26 Lower Clapton Rd (at the junction of Urswick Rd) London, E5 0PD

Like the climax of Shinya Tsukamoto’s 1989 film Tetsuo, from which the exhibition gets its name, ?????????????????????????????is about merger. In the case of Tetsuo it is between a salaryman and a fetishist; one tied into commerce and corporations, the other a shamanistic punk capable of extraordinary powers of transformation. Perhaps art is locked in a similar conflict between commodity and fetish, a composition of money and magic. Perhaps that’s the deal. Or perhaps these forces combine to let an uncanny state of amity emerge from impossible conflicts, a state from which to take apart the world. That was the curatorial proposition. The work in the exhibition may be something different. I am writing this in the summer. It is hot and the Olympics have just come to an end. It is autumn at the exhibition, and the Frieze Art Fair is opening in Regent’s Park.

Carlos Noronha Feio (born 1981, in Portugal) completed an MRes (Masters of Research) Arts Practice at the University of the Arts London, an M.A Fine Art at Middlesex University, London and is currently undertaking a PhD at the Royal College of Art, London. He has exhibited and performed widely in the UK and abroad including the Whitechapel Gallery, London; the National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow; Navicula Artis, Saint Petersburg; Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes; Colchester Art Centre, Colchester; Abrons Art Centre, New York; Museu Nogueira da Silva, Braga; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Fundação EDP in Lisbon and Centro cultural Helio Oiticica in Rio de Janeiro.

Flore Nove-Josserand (born 1980, in France) studied at the Slade School of Fine Art and at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Paris-Cergy, Cergy, France. She has exhibited in the UK and abroad including at the Siobhan Davies Studio, London; Bischoff/Weiss, London; V22, London; Analix Forever, Geneva and Geflitter+Partner Architecten, Munich. She has undertaken residencies at the Academy of Fine Art of Poznan, Skoki, Poland; Triangle France Residency, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France; Space, Malinalco, Mexico and most recently at The New Art Gallery Walsall in partnership with Eastside Projects.

Alejandro Ospina (born, 1970 in Colombia) studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, the New York Studio School and Duke University. He has exhibited widely in the UK and the Americas including The Creekside Open selected by Victoria Miro; Paradise Row, London; Witzenhausen Gallery, New York; Nuevos Nombres (Luis Angel Arango), Centro Cultural Salamanca and Christopher Paschall XX21 Gallery, Bogota.

NaoKo TakaHashi (born 1973 in Japan) studied at the Slade School of Fine Art and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. She has exhibited and performed widely in the UK, Europe and the Middle East including Tate Modern, London; the Palais de Tokyo, Paris; the Whitechapel Gallery, London; the Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow; Riso Museo d’arte Contemporanea Della Sicilia, Palermo; Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Centre, Copenhagen; Bozar, Brussels; Darat Al Funun, The Khalid Showman Foundation, Amman, Jordan; Al Ma’mal Foundation for contemporary Art, Jerusalem; the 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Greece, and in the first major trilingual biennale in North Africa, the 3rd AiM International Biennale, Marrakesh.




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