FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Saturday 2nd June 2012 : The united secret society of subversive artists

Thirteen contemporary artists will be forming “a more perfect union” in the months leading up to the Presidential Election, 2012. The artists of USSSA are politically invested in the arts. They are educators, activists and organizers seeking to offering new insights to the social, cultural and historical issues that define our political environment. For this exhibition, each artist will each create an installation around a theme that is both personally and politically relevant.

The culminating exhibition will be curated by the collective and evolves through a series of collaborations—between the artists, and with the public. Rallies and media events will punctuate the project’s timeline as a means of integrating public perspectives and opinions.

Speaking with M. Ryan Noble of the USSSA, he explained, “It’s an exhibition where diversity and public opinion have direct influence and the politics between people are not hindered by categories and agendas.  As it stands, the “American Dream” is not as concrete or common as our politicians and media would have you believe. The artists of USSSA will bring form to the intangibles of the “American Dream” because the visions, ideals and values that are often cited by pundits are precisely the forms that artists are trained to bring to life. Artists dream boldly and with care . . . something our nation would be wise to learn. Why are our nation’s art programs suffering?  Why are this country’s artists becoming a marginalized population? Who is this ‘Amerigo Vespucci,’ anyway?” 

Artists of the first USSSA exhibition include: Wafaa Bilal, Rodney Ewing, Joshua Hagler, Barbara Horiuchi, Carrie Sinclair Katz, Julio Morales, Thinh Nguyen, M. Ryan Noble, Dread Scott, Sarah Sense, Lucien Shapiro and Christy Speakman.

Where:  USSSA’s fundraising event will be held in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 2nd nd, 2012 from 3-6pm at a discreet location to be announced on their facebook page here.  The collective’s first exhibition is scheduled for the month of October with the exact time and location will be announced in the Summer, 2012.

Price: Free



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