Plot (Impasse), 2009, pens on canvas by Virginia Verran
Private View Tuesday 17 April, 6-8.30pm
18 – 28 April (Thursday-Saturday, 1-5pm)
Open for SLAM Last Fridays 6-8.30pm
Artists & Curators Dialogue – Saturday 28 April, 4-5pm
‘Collectible’ is a high-profile launch exhibition that will be featuring small works by 67 promising, mid-career and established International Zeitgeist artists from across all discipline; including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, and print. The works will range from £50 to £500.
Co- curators; Rosalind Davis and Annabel Tilley said in a recent interview with South London Art Map Magazine, “These artists in an act of generosity and accessibility have made their works available for affordable prices so that art collectors old and new are able to invest in some of the most promising and established collectible artists whom normally usually sell upwards of £500”.
Artists participating:
Guy Allott, Iain Andrews, Edwina Ashton, Paul Benjamins, George Bolster, Kate Bowen, Andrew Bracey, Tom Butler, Ben Coode-Adams, Emma Cousin, Graham Crowley, Rosalind Davis, David Dipre, Sarah Douglas, Freya Douglas Morris, Annabel Dover, Charlie Dutton, Karl England, Alyson Helyer, Andrew Hewish, Jack Hutchinson, Peter Jones, Nick Kaplony, David Kefford, Sharon Leahy-Clark, Simon Leahy-Clark, Cathy Lomax, Wayne Lucas, Fiona MacDonald, EJ Major, Amy McKenny, Nadege Meriau, Marion Michell, Clare Mitten, Amy Moffat, Kate Murdoch, Elizabeth Murton, Michaela Nettell, Charlotte Norwood, Wieland Payer, Alex Pearl, Edd Pearman, Gaia Persico, Kate Pickering, Chantelle Purcell, Giulia Ricci, Mark Scott-Wood, Alli Sharma, Gordon Shrigley, Lisa Snook, Emily Speed, Corinna Spencer, Melanie Stidolph, Boa Swindler, Freddie Robins, Annabel Tilley, Virginia Verran, Jenny Wiener, Rich White, Andy Wicks, Rachel Wilberforce, Chiara Williams, Sarah Williams, Jonny Williamson, Jo Wilmot, James Wright, Peter Wylie.
For more information, please visit:
- Alex Pearl
- Alli Sharma
- Alyson Helyer
- Amy McKenny
- Amy Moffat
- Andrew Bracey
- Andrew Hewish
- Andy Wicks
- Annabel Dover
- Annabel Tilley
- Ben Coode-Adams
- Boa Swindler
- Cathy Lomax
- Chantelle Purcell
- Charlie Dutton
- Charlotte Norwood
- Chiara Williams
- Clare Mitten
- Collectible
- Corinna Spencer
- David Dipre
- David Kefford
- Edd Pearman
- edwina ashton
- EJ Major
- Elizabeth Murton
- Emily Speed
- Emma Cousin
- Fiona Macdonald
- Freddie Robins
- Freya Douglas Morris
- Gaia Persico
- George Bolster
- Giulia Ricci
- Gordon Shrigley
- Graham Crowley
- Guy Allott
- Iain Andrews
- Jack Hutchinson
- James Wright
- Jenny Wiener
- Jo Wilmot
- Jonny Williamson
- Karl England
- Kate Bowen
- Kate Murdoch
- Kate Pickering
- Lisa Snook
- Marion Michell
- Mark Scott-Wood
- Melanie Stidolph
- Michaela Nettell
- Nadège Mériau
- Nick Kaplony
- Paul Benjamins
- Peter Jones
- Peter Wylie
- Rachel Wilberforce
- Rich White
- Rosalind Davis
- Sarah Douglas
- Sarah Williams
- Sharon Leahy-Clark
- Simon Leahy-Clark
- Tom Butler
- Virginia Verran
- Wayne Lucas
- Wieland Payer
- ZeitgeistArtsProjects