FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Look cool wearing Art for charity.

Love and Water Designs, an online platform that connects artists with charities to create Wearable Philanthropy, is holding a special project for Japan printing a limited-edition t-shirt with the original works of five artists, and printing only 200 of each design.

They are calling it the 1,000 Prayers For Japan Project and are donating 100% of the profits to the Nagagutsu Organization, a charity that is providing rubber boots and gloves to workers and refugees in Japan right now.

The first three artists, Catherine Eaton Skinner, Robert Indiana and Jane Dickson, have graciously donated designs for this amazing project, and Love and Water Designs are currently taking submissions through the website for two more original designs to print. The two artists with designs that receive the most attention through the site or community will have their designs printed. The shirts are being sold in a number of outlets throughout New York City, as well as on the website.

You can order the first of the five shirts and also submit designs here: loveandwaterdesigns.com



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