Mark Woods: A Return to Old Certainties
11 February 2017 • Staff
The Lubomirov Angus-Hughes Centre for Contemporary Curation is proud to announce a solo show by Mark Woods curated by Vanya Balogh
11 February 2017 • Staff
The Lubomirov Angus-Hughes Centre for Contemporary Curation is proud to announce a solo show by Mark Woods curated by Vanya Balogh
9 December 2016 • Mark Westall
This weekend is your last chance to vist BIG DEAL No7 an amalgamation of imaginary ideas and processes related and created as a response to the genre of Science Fiction, this exhibition features; sculpture, photography, painting, film, video and audio installations by some 100 international artists and guest students from RCA.
20 February 2015 • Mark Westall
Curated by two London based artists Vanya Balogh & Cedric Christie CHINESE OPEN 2015 Year Of The Sheep Q PARK 20 Newport Place London
1 February 2014 • Mark Westall
ArtOpening: Over a 100 artists in China Town London: CHINESE OPEN: YEAR OF THE HORSE