FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London


Install view Yinka Shonibare
Creatures of the Mappa Mundi, Mandragora.
Photo Mark Westall


Yinka Shonibare CBE, African Bird Magic (Sokoke Scops-Owl), 2023, Patchwork, applique, quilting, hand dyed silk, linen and cotton and Dutch wax printed cotton, 205 x 164 x 5 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, Johannesburg, London and New York, James Cohan Gallery, New York and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London and New York. Photographer: Stephen White & Co. Photo: © Yinka Shonibare CBE

Yinka Shonibare CBE, Decolonised Structures, 2022-23. Fibreglass sculptures, hand-painted with Dutch wax pattern, gold leaf and wooden plinths. Dimensions variable. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation. Courtesy of the artist and Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, Johannesburg, London and New York, James Cohan Gallery, New York and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London and New York. Photographer: Stephen White & Co. © Yinka Shonibare CBE

Yinka Shonibare CBE, Decolonised Structures, 2022-23. Fibreglass sculptures, hand-painted with Dutch wax pattern, gold leaf and wooden plinths. Dimensions variable. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation. Courtesy of the artist and Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, Johannesburg, London and New York, James Cohan Gallery, New York and Stephen Friedman Gallery, London and New York. Photographer: Stephen White & Co. © Yinka Shonibare CBE

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