News from the bottom of the early September barrel from FSGB Representative – Here’s the freebie’s and not and what I may/shall/will attend:
Tuesday 6th
Opening of ‘Anywhere in the World’ – David Medalla’s London, curated by Guy Brett at the ICA featuring work and a performance by many other artists (including Calum F. Kerr on Sat 10th) – Starts 6pm – free booze for first hour max I’d think.
Plus Drawing Show at Marlborough Fine Art, 6 Arbemarle St, plus Gimpl Fils 30 Davis St, plenty of booze, plenty on but meanwhile in the East…
White Cube opening, normal drunkard Hoxton Antics – I may miss this because of the above but should be over East by 8pm – Also, Agency on until 8.30pm, plus Rove, Huge Space across the square until 9, plus new gallery on 95 Rivington St involving 95 cello’s! that I think opens today.
Meet, then more drinks…?
Wednesday 7th
If Central: ICA – £1.50 poetry event in relation to David’s show at ICA from 3.15 until 7pm.
If West: Large PV of Richard Wentworth’s work at the Lisson Gallery. Lot’s of free booze.
If South(ish) – James Ireland solo show pv at FA Projects, Bear Garden’s, SE1 (near Tate Modern)
If East (where I will prob be): 6-8pm Wolfgang Tillmans at Maureen Paley’s, Herlad St, then an exhibition above the Approach Tavern, E2.
Thursday 8th
If Central: Adam Fuss at Timothy Taylor, Dering St.
Plus Nobuko Tsuchiya at Anthony Reynolds, also possible Haunch of Venison. Much booze.
If East (more likely):
Bow Arts Trust (far away and pay bar) but help is at hand…
IBID Projects on Cambridge Heath Rd have Vicky Wright Solo Show.
Modern Art, Vyner St has opening too. May attend these first but def Shoreditch.
There is Studio 1.1, but main for booze start at The Great Unsigned, 47 Great Eastern opposite the Old Blue Last!
Then to Joel Tomlin at Max Wigram until 8.30pm.
Friday 9th
Certain someone featuring on the Media Watch programme on Resonance FM (though may be next week instead) from 2pm until 3pm, listen to 104.4fm or tune in on
Tea Building Events all 6-9pm
Andrew Mummery – 6pm onwards, come here first for booze.
Also Rocket Gallery opening on Ground Floor (though may be Thursday)Plus Solo Show of Andrew Bick pv at Hales GalleryPlanning to then head to Hallucinature show at Cell Project Space that goes on until 9ish, but that depends as I have the following day…
Saturday 10th
Calum F. Kerr as part of a performance afternoon in the Lower Gallery of ‘Anywhere in the World: David Medalla’s London’. I invite you to participate in an ‘Angel Quiz’, a quiz afternoon regarding aspects of angel culture, featuring genuine bar table and stools from the ‘Angel Pub’ in Central London. Just turn-up and be tested by the angel quiz master, there are a series of timed performances (from 3pm) by other artists but I will be running from 2pm until 6pm. ICA Weekend entry: £2.50
Also you can attend the closing of Tina Keane’s exhibition at Sketch from 12.30 until 3pm, fancy place, lots of drink, artist talk too.
Then from 6pm on Saturday the all new MA part of Free Range on Brick Lane!
Opens until 10pm, lots of booze, will head over after performance about 7pm.
Sunday 11th
There is a See You In Court Action see for details, sign up to be interrograciated but this is not a ‘spectator’ event, so if you do not, then either go to the cosmic wrestling match, which pits David Medalla as the spirit of Marcel Duchamp against Adam Nankervis’ ghost of Joseph Beuys at the ICA for £2.50 or just have a free and funky time at the Brick Lane Festival, on all day.