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Yixu Liu | Reflecting on Consumerism and Female Objectification

Yixu Liu obtained a Master’s degree in Contemporary Art Practice from the Edinburgh College of Art. Her educational background has provided her with a solid artistic foundation and a cross-cultural perspective, enabling her to delve deep into contemporary social and cultural issues. During her internship, Liu worked as an intern at a video production company in Guangzhou, providing her with practical experience in the film industry and inspiring her artistic creations.

Yixu Liu

Her works have been exhibited in numerous international and domestic exhibitions, including London, Edinburgh, Shanghai, and Florence. These exhibitions not only provided her with a platform to showcase her work but also earned her several awards, such as the Silver Award in the Singapore Art Design Competition and the Bronze Award in the 7th Environmental Protection Art Creation Competition. Among her notable works, “Women for Sale 2022” stands out as a profound reflection on consumerism and female objectification, marking a significant exploration in her artistic practice and paving the way for new possibilities in her future artistic endeavors.

‘Women for Sale 2022’ is not just a powerful indictment of consumerism and the objectification of women in society, but also a deep interpretation and reflection on these phenomena. Through the commodification and objectification of the female body, Liu seeks to draw attention to the multiple impacts of consumerism culture on women. She emphasizes how consumerism culture reduces women to objects rather than human beings, eroding their agency and dignity. The artistic techniques employed in the work, using clay and cosmetics inspired by consumerism, highlight the reality of women’s bodies being treated as commodities and the impact of this phenomenon on women’s self-identity.

Liu utilizes clay and consumerism-inspired cosmetics, such as foundation and eyeshadow, to create parts of the female body, which are then fashioned into commodities and tagged with price labels. Through this approach, Liu links the female body with commodification and objectification, emphasizing the reality of women being objectified in commercial environments. These body parts are suspended in a marketplace, displayed with butcher’s hooks and price tags, further emphasizing the commodification and commercialization of women by consumerism culture. This scene not only highlights the phenomenon of women being treated as commodities in commercial environments but also implies the impact of consumerism culture on family and social relationships, as well as the challenges to women’s economic and social status.

‘Women for Sale 2022’ is not just a piece of art for aesthetic enjoyment, but also a social indictment and reflection. Through this project, Liu raises awareness of consumerism and female objectification, calling for respect and care for women’s bodies and emotions in society. This work is not only an artistic creation but also a profound interpretation and exploration of social reality. It embodies Liu’s cross-cultural educational background, rich practical experience, and attention to contemporary social issues, carrying profound social significance. Her works not only reveal problems but also call for respect and care for women’s bodies and emotions in society, advocating for gender equality and human rights.

As an artist, Yixu Liu has achieved remarkable success and has had a profound impact, thanks to her solid artistic foundation and cross-cultural perspective, as well as her in-depth exploration of contemporary social and cultural issues. Her works remind us that art is not just about aesthetic enjoyment but also a powerful force for social change, capable of leading us towards a more just, inclusive, and respectful society



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