FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

LAST CHANCE: “What’s Up” is a pioneering exhibition featuring 50 of the most exciting young contemporary artists .

All photos Hannah Harley Young

SOHO REVUE 14 Greek Street, London, w1d 4dp 49 Greek St, London, w1d 4eq
Ending Tomorrow Saturday 30th April 2016.

“What’s Up” is a pioneering exhibition featuring 50 of the most exciting young contemporary artists from around the world, brought together in a dynamic survey selected and curated by young collector and advisor Lawrence van Hagen.

Focusing on a rising generation of painters, alongside key artists working in drawing, photography, sculpture and video art, “What’s Up” incorporates several well established names such as Jonas Wood, Mark Flood and Sterling Ruby, alongside the ‘new kids on the block’.

“The title of the show, with its multiplicity of meanings, points to a consideration of a particular strand of the contemporary art scene: The artists to discover today. I have focussed on a younger genera- tion of artists, both on those who are already greatly followed by the market, including Katherine Bernhardt, Brian Calvin, Ella Kruglyan- skaya or Matthew Brandt, and also those who are just on the cusp, just getting there. Those, I believe, will be interesting to discover, but art is more important than the market!”


Atmosphere Atmosphere

What's Up Installation Shot 11 (c) Hannah Harley Young

The Artists
Markus Amm, Bianca Argimon, Flavie Audi, Julie Beau ls, Anouska Beckwith, Brian Belott, Katherine Bernhardt, Ry David Bradley, Matthew Brandt, Kerstin Brätsch, James Busby, Brian Calvin, Matthew Cerletty, Oliver Clegg, Petra Cortright, Alex Dordoy, Mark Flood, Jess Fuller, Patrick Groth, Aurelie Hoegy, Tom Holmes, Lauren Keeley, Paul Kneale, Ella Kruglyanskaya, Shio Kusaka, Friedrich Kunath, Zane Lewis, Sam Lipp, Marie Maillard, Alexander May, Alex Prager, Joe Reihsen, Mariah Robertson, Ry Rocklen, Sterling Ruby, Daniel Schubert, Gibb Slife, Emily Mae Smith, Despina Stokou, Matthew Stone, Peter Sutherland, Philipp Timischl, Johannes Vanderbeek, Jorinde Voigt, Eugenia Weinstein, Brian Wills, Jonas Wood, Nathan Zeidman.

About the curator
The artists included in this exhibition are the true choice of a young collector – for collectors of his generation. This global selection is the result of extensive research, many years spent visiting artist studios, private collections, new and established galleries and institutions worldwide, and aims to reveal some of the directions in which the in- ternational contemporary art market may be moving.

Lawrence van Hagen is a young polymath oscillating between the worlds of art and entrepreneurship. He is soon to announce an exciting travel app and online platform for curated weekend getaways (launching ahead of Summer 2016), which will integrate an essential element of contemporary art

into a luxury travel experience.
“Even in the digital age, travel remains an essential part of commu- nication and understanding. I believe it is a vital factor in succeeding in today’s art world. Today, most of the art market activity happens during fairs, which are increasingly widespread, taking place in the farthest corners of the world. It is one of the best ways to keep track of the artists you might follow – and to discover new ones.”



What's Up Installation Shot 9 (c) Hannah Harley Young

What's Up Installation Shot 8 (c) Hannah Harley Young

What's Up Installation Shot 3 (c) Hannah Harley Young



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