WAKE UP, a trans-temporal art gathering of performance, fine art, music, and fashion that delves into themes of identity, transformation, and rebellion. This immersive event celebrates groundbreaking LGBTQ+ creators from Europe and Asia and will be held within the historic and atmospheric St John’s Church in Hyde Park, London.

Curators: Eliz @elizpresent and Scarlett Wang @scarlettwanggg

WAKE UP transforms a traditional sacred space into a bold platform for avant-garde expression, uniting ancient roots with radical creativity. The event features a dynamic lineup of artists challenging boundaries through music, performance, and visual art:
Music Lineup:

TrashedBaby @trashedbaby
Oliver Torr @oliver_torr
Ricaai @ricaai_

Charity Kase @charitykase925
Antr0morph @anthr0morph
Yihao (Founder of Queerest) @2000yihao
Venus @venusuperstar
Electric Adam @electricadam
Scarlett Wang @scarlettwanggg
Eliz @elizpresent
More performance, fine art & fashion acts will be revealed soon—follow @wakeup001101 for updates!

Poetic Soul Healing with:

Tintin @tintininside
More performance, fine art & fashion acts will be revealed soon—follow @wakeup001101 for updates!
WAKE UP – A Trans-Temporal Art Gathering, 17th January 2025, St John’s Church, Hyde Park, London, W2 2QD @wakeup001101