FAD Magazine

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Last Ever Opening At Cable Depot: Laurane Fahrni – Le Chant des Mouettes

Iavor Lubomirov has announced that Cable Depot has outgrown its current location at the historic Submarine Cable Depot – a Victorian warehouse site where the first telegraph cables were stored 170 years ago.

“With great emotion, I am also pleased to announce a new Sofia address for Cable Depot in Bulgaria, in partnership with Punta Gallery and Posta Space. Our joint new gallery will open this autumn at No. 37 Stefan Stambolov Boulevard.

To find out more, join me for one last evening this Thursday, 22 August from 6pm at Cable Depot’s home for the last five years on the Woolwich Riviera. We will be celebrating the Opening of our final residency, by Laurane Fahrni, made possible by the impossibly kind support of Fondation Carta in Marseille

This is a residency I find especially refreshing to bracket my time here at Cable Depot – one that speaks to me of a world without borders, of urban spaces filled with individual lives. I hope to have you here to celebrate this magical moment with me.”

Laurane Fahrni Le Chant des Mouettes installation detail

“Le Chant des Mouettes” tells an intimate tale of two cities, London and Marseille, through objects, words and plants. It is a physical and psychic dialogue that reveals unexpected connections, fragile architectures and living mechanics. Part of ongoing research by Marseille-based artist, Laurane Fahrni, currently exploring the area around Cable Depot, to discover, forage and make throughout August 2024. Later, when the artist returns to Marseille with her pieces of London, she will begin to physically join the two cities together through their idiosyncratic debris. 

Fahrni uses local found materials, which she combines, breaks, assembles, casts and embeds living or dead plants into, to create something that is both sculpture and installation, yet enters into the tradition of landscape painting. It does so directly, through the use of material which she collects from the very environment she presents to the viewer. Fahnri’s work can be a city scape built from the debris of Marseille, or a paysage constructed from casts of masses of dead branches filched from a nearby nature reserve. She evokes landscapes that could have suffered some disaster. Her sculptures mimic the behaviour of a nature that adapts to inhospitable flanks, infertile walls, threatened environments. They are fingerprints, waste, signs, shapes, things, words that come together and resonate in the finite space of Cable Depot, where nature is extracted, where we cannot go.

“Le Chant des Mouettes” is the final residency at Cable Depot’s current location on the Thames in Woolwich. Made possible by the generous support of Fondation Carta in Marseille.

Laurane Fahrni, Le Chant des Mouettes,- 25th August Cable DepotPrivate View Thursday 22nd August 6pm – late



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