You know when you ask somebody a simple question and it blows you away makes you question what you’re doing with your time etc – Well I just asked Remi Rough a few simple questions ….

Can you tell us about your new album Honest- Why Honest?
Honest is a culmination of visual and sonic Influences that have been sitting around in my brain for bloody ages. I made the album with as much honesty as I could muster also the title track has a sample of Mark Bradford talking about the honesty within his work and his Hope that the viewer can see the honesty within it. He’s one of my favourite artists so I thought that was the perfect title for the album.
Do you see music as an extension of your art practice or integral to the whole?
It used to be on a separate trajectory but over the past few years (I guess since myself and Mike Ladd released TheDeadCanRap album in 2020), it’s kind of morphed into a singular entity. I think both inform each other intrinsically so the crossover becomes less awkward. But in short, it’s still my art just another medium.

Some of the tracks remind me of Tricky was the whole Bristol scene a big influence on your music/ art?
The Bristol sound was hugely influential to me. Massive Attack and Portishead especially I would say but the influences are pretty eclectic on this record as a whole. Artists like Billy Woods, Quelle Chris and Open Mike Eagle have been on constantly in the studio whilst I’ve been working on paintings so they have obviously seeped into the broader consciousness and I’m fortunate enough to have Quelle on this record and to have worked with OME on TheDeadCanRap album too.
Collaboration seems important to your music who did you work with on Honest?
Well, I’ve already mentioned Quelle Chris who I met at a show he did in London a few years back. We had a ton of mutual friends in common and really clicked. I am so happy he agreed to collaborate as I love what he does.

NAHreally is from New Jersey and we were both on the Spectacular Diagnostics album together on different tracks but. We connected and he came on board immediately. It’s interesting to have him on it as his music is quite jazzy and this Is a much darker approach and he absolutely nailed it. Eldon Somers is a good friend and fellow journeyman and I had to have him on there. GeeBag is a national UK hip hop treasure and ‘Who dares wins’ is definitely one of my favourite songs on the album. Will Switchblade is an amazing rapper / poet from Manchester and he asked me to be on his BodiesUK project back in 2020 so I was returning the kindness… Buddy Peace is an old old friend and collaborator And he was the final piece in the puzzle.

Buddy Peace and I Have also almost finished a concept album together with his beats all about the art world… it references a ton of artists, galleries and other art world related things. You’re going to love that!!
Do you listen to music you have created when painting?
Not really, unless an older track comes up on a playlist or something. I actually like listening to instrumental music when I’m painting.
Do you approach music and art projects in the same way?
Not really. I tend to start and work On paintings until they’re finished in my head. Music is a different approach I go back to things a lot. It takes way more time to make a finished song plus I have to consider the other people involved… for example Jerome Schmitt from The Air Lab who kixed and mastered The record. He did an amazing job and deserves A big shout-out.
What’s with the white glasses?
They’re my reading glasses, I couldn’t have made or written the album without them so it seemed apt to make them part of the artwork.
How do people listen / buy Honest?
It is on all streaming platforms, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal etc… It’s also streamable and can Be downloaded from
A very limited run of vinyl is available from here too!
Judging by your insta you’ve been travelling a lot for some art projects can you give us a quick rundown as to what’s been happening

This year alone it’s been pretty full on! I have completed a 6-storey mural for Citibank Group in Frankfurt, Germany, a massive wall in Tuscany for the Municipality of Sovicille, a project in Paris and a ceiling piece for the Patrizia Foundation in Covent Garden.

Plus I showed some new work in Jealous Gallery and The Rise of the vandals show in York.
What’s next?
I’m off to Amsterdam for a private commission inside a new building next month, I am working on paintings for the Citibank private collection and for A show in Fleet Street in October. I also have a duo show with Paris-based artist Jon One in Germany at kvest ART GALLERY in November.

I’m also in the process of making a documentary about the artist Carlos Mare and numerous New musical projects with Buddy Peace, Codak Smith and TheDeadCanRap music with Mike Ladd.
I’m also working on a large monograph for release sometime next year with pretty much everything I’ve done over the past 40 years.
Whats your favourite music & art at the moment?
Favourite art would be the recent Ellsworth Kelly show at FondationLV that I saw last month… Favourite music is the new Previous Industries album…
@remirough HONEST: