FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

The Top 6 Exhibitions to see in Mayfair & St. James’s this winter

Tabish Khan the @LondonArtCritic picks his top exhibitions to see in Mayfair and St. James’s – all closing soon. Each one comes with a concise review to help you decide whether it’s for you. Those looking for more exhibitions should check out his top shows to see in late November, where all but one are still open to visit.

Night: Max Ernst & Yves Tanguy with Urs Fischer @ Nahmad Projects
Enter the darkness into a surreal world where the wallpaper is based on the studio of contemporary artist Urs Fischer’s studio at night. It forms a suitable backdrop to paintings by Surrealist masters Max Ernst and Yves Tanguy. Just as each work on the wall is a portal into another world, so is the artist’s studio – both letting us into the heart of imagination and creativity. Until 10 December.

Raymond Fung: Between Breaths @ 3812 Gallery
Thin slices of mountain landscapes are as if windows looking into different worlds. However, these views are more a reflection of how we see the world depending on our state of mind. In his ‘breath’ series paint splatters across the surface as if breathed on to it, reminding us of how we all took breathing for granted before this pandemic. It’s a pairing of two thoughtful and beautiful series’ of works. Until 7 January.

Mario Testino: South Americana @ Hamiltons
The photographer best known for his fashion shoots takes a look at his Peruvian heritage with snaps of the vaqueros, local cowboys, silhouetted against the sunset. The highlight is his photographs of the local cacti that are so granular that at first glance they look like paintings. Until 8 January.

Jeff Koons & Cy Twombly: Primal Gestures @ Bastian
The raw expressive gestures in the abstract works of Cy Twombly meet the polished and ultra commercial work of Jeff Koons – in fact a Koons designed for Dom Perignon so it opens up to hold a bottle of champagne. It’s as much a contrast as you can get in this playful pairing. Until 4 December.

Hurvin Anderson: Reverb @ Thomas Dane Gallery
Hurvin Anderson takes a hotel complex on the North Coast of Jamaica and paints different parts of it based on photographs and memories. With each painting uncovering memories through the medium so that the paintings are just as much a process of discovery for the painter as well as the viewer. Until 4 December. 

Alex Da Corte: American Speech @ Sadie Coles, Bury Street
An old school Americana cinema marquee sign with its glaring lights draws me in off the street, but not all is right with it as the ROYGBIV along the side, to represent the colours of the rainbow, are all lit up in the wrong colours. It reminded me of the sense of nostalgia and the inconsistent memories we form when looking back. Until 18 December.



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