Tabish Khan the @LondonArtCritic picks his top exhibitions to see in late June. Each one comes with a concise review to help you decide whether it’s for you. Four of last week’s top picks are also still open to visit.

Tobias Bradford: Stage Fright @ Huxley Parlour
I’ve never had an artwork sneak up on me and kick me until I visited this exhibition. In my defence I was distracted by the fact I was being serenaded by a very creepy taxidermy duck on a stool. This bizarre musical ensemble looks at the uncanny and how uncomfortable it makes us in this show that’s both playful and disturbing. Until 3 July.

Kate Dunn: The Tabernacle – Welcome to Pharmakon
It’s all thumping music and glow in the dark art in this downstairs gallery in Fitzrovia. After the musical performance is our chance to explore the paintings with a torch that makes the pieces glow. Referencing rave culture and religion this is an enlightening experience. Until 3 July.

Claire Partington: Britainton @ James Freeman Gallery
Mixing art history, kitsch and political satire these ceramic works are playful look at a post-Brexit Britain. A contemporary take on Gainsborough’s Mr and Mrs Andrews stand on a central island while new takes on Britain including a self-styled modern day Botticelli’s Venus next to a wheelie bin surround them. Until 3 July

Cathie Pilkington: Esthen Thalassa @ Karsten Schubert
Optical patterns on the floor, swirling paintings with eyes on the walls and a fireplace full of deflated footballs. It’s creepy chaos in this fantastic two room installation that’s so chaotic it’s not always clear where to stand, and it’s as if you’ve stumbled into the home of an arty serial hoarder. Until 9 July.

Sam Peacock: Tide @ Kahn Gallery
Burned and chemically treated, these abstract works on metal are representative of the South Coast that served as the inspiration for Sam Peacock’s work on his daily lockdown walk. There’s a wonderful texture to these earthy works that feel like they’ve captured some of that sea air and transported it to London. Until 5 July

Bazil Duiskovich @ David Kovats
It’s always great to see a new gallery pop up, and so it’s the case with David Kovats in Covent Garden – specialising in contemporary art from the gallerist’s native Hungary and surrounding region. It’s currently showing the work of Bazil Duiskovich who creates surreal figurative paintings and I look forward to seeing its future exhibitions. Until 6 July.
All images copyright artist and gallery.