FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

‘Art stuff  for Christmas’: Paul’s ART STUFF ON A TRAIN #193

Linder’s dinner set

Ryan_McGinley:’Marmoset LSD’, 2012

Studio Voltaire’s annual seasonal sale to benefit its work takes place (to 18th Dec) in the considerable central space of a knocked-through version of Alan Cristea’s former space on Cork Street. A visit is much more fun than the typical Christmas shopping experience, whether you buy or not. Christmas a la Voltaire seems to be more than usually oriented towards sex: Linda’s dinner set of porno-plates, a large green breast by Edward Kay, Ryan McGinley’s cheeky monkey and Cary Kwok’s drawing of a somewhat extravagant ejaculation are all prominent – but there’s plenty of other fun, too.

Perhaps galleries in general are starting to take Christmas more seriously: Blain|Southern, for example, has a one day pop-up store and sale on 10th December. But if you’re given art, what will it look like at home?

Arcade has a lively show which gives you an answer for Peggy Franck’s exuberantly colourful swirl paintings and tapestries, as not only is are they installed somewhat as if the gallery is a house, but ‘With no hands. Like a sea.’ (to 17th Dec) also incorporates photographs of the work in other spaces, so splicing documentation and art. Franck, it seems, hopes to pretty much take over your house, making her work a brave if adventurous gift! I guess you might opt for something more easily placed yet worthwhile – House of Voltaire have various towels and blankets, for example…

Peggy Franck install view at Arcade

Peggy Franck when you get the work home

Most days art Critic Paul Carey-Kent spends hours on the train, traveling between his home in Southampton and his day job in London. Could he, we asked, jot down whatever came into his head?



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