FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

New exhibition investigates the construction of identity in the digital age

 Korakrit Arunanondchai, Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names 3, 2015. Video, 25:27 min. © The artist, Carlos/Ishikawa London, Clearing New York

Emotional Supply Chains is a new exhibition addressing the construction of identity in the digital age.  Featuring 17 leading international artists and including four new commissions, drawn from the Zabludowicz Collection and produced since the year 2000.

Exhibiting artists: Korakrit Arunanondchai (TH), Neïl Beloufa (FR), David Blandy (UK), David Raymond Conroy (UK), Andrea Crespo (US), Simon Denny (NZ), Aleksandra Domanovi? (YU), Ed Fornieles (UK), Michael Fullerton (UK), Guan Xiao (CN), Eloise Hawser (UK), Ann Hirsch (US), Pierre Huyghe (FR), Daniel Keller (US), Christopher Kulendran Thomas (UK), Seth Price (US), Frances Stark (US)

Emotional Supply Chains explores how a fluid sense of self is fabricated in our digital present via a supply chain of objects, ideas and experiences. Although we increasingly interact within ‘virtual’ space, this remains bound to tangible locations and circumstances. The exhibiting artists reflect on the tensions between confinement and escape, happiness and anxiety, and presence and absence. The exhibition is structured into three parts, each exploring aspects of contemporary identity: the dualities of self, the performed and networked self, and origins and renewal.

 Daniel Keller, Onanet Spiruline 1, 2015 (detail). Photo: Hands Georg Gaul

Emotional Supply Chains 24th March – 17th July Zabludowicz Collection www.zabludowiczcollection.com



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