Orphe shoes are equipped with motion sensors and LEDs to enable artists to create multi-coloured movements. The data from Orphe can be used to wirelessly control external devices, enabling the shoes to act as a musical instrument or videogame controller as well as creating illuminated patterns in the air.

Orphe is a smart shoe system created by no new folk studio Inc., a new Japanese hardware startup which specializes in creating technology for artists and performers with a focus on wireless interaction and the Internet of Things (IoT). They designed Orphe as a new type of palette for performers, enabling artists to express themselves in a way that combines physical movement, light and sound.

The sole of each Orphe shoe features advanced motion sensors, and around 100 full-color, serially-controlled LEDs. Using a smartphone or tablet app, wearers can customize the colours emitted by the shoes’ LEDs. The lights can also be set to change along with the speed and orientation of the dancer’s movements, which creates a glowing after-image.
This data is tracked in real-time, and can be uploaded online to share with other users.
More Info: www.indiegogo.com/orphe-smart-shoes