FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

It’s Time to Make Dinner Plans for Venice: Nick Hough of Christie’s Kicks Off Our VIP’s Guide

Hurrah it’s nearly the Venice Biennale!

FAD knows two things about getting the most out of your Biennale experience:

1. That man can indeed live on Harry’s Bar Bellinis alone, but in the morning he definitely will wish he hadn’t. Making dinner reservations is a really good idea.

2. That following the footsteps of experienced visitors usually ends in a good meal and a nice hotel

So who are the most experienced kind of  Biennale visitor? They’re the VIPs of the art world of course. These are people who have been year in, year out and know their way around the watery city so who better to ask to act as our guides?

FAD has asked a cross section of VIPs to share their recommendations on where to eat, where to stay, and what not to miss out on, and we’ll be bringing them to you over the next few days – in time for you to make those all important dinner reservations.

First up, the Auctioneer
Nick Hough is Chief Operating Officer EMERI of Christie’s.


1. The best place I’ve ever stayed in Venice is ………
… without doubt The Gritti Palace with a canal view. Perhaps a little bit of a cliché as an answer but you are in no doubt you are in Venice when you stay there. Added to which Yoko Ono was staying there at the same time and I managed to have a chat with her.


A 15th century noble palazzo and luxury hotel since 1895, The Gritti Palace features precious architectural features including original wooden ceilings and the original entrance flooring

2. The best meal I’ve ever eaten in Venice was ……………
…at the Alle Testiere. It’s on a narrow alley east of the Rialto Bridge, near Campo Santa Maria Formosa. It’s tiny, not posh, booking is essential, mostly fish and absolutely fabulous


3. A thing someone visiting Venice for the Biennale really shouldn’t miss is……. …the cheap art pass on the vaporetto!


Thanks Nick!
Next up on #FADspots VIP Guide to Venice: The Curator



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