FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

ART OPENING: Sotto Voice at Dominique Lévy Gallery Monday 9th February

Günther Uecker Untitled © Günther Uecker. All rights reserved. DACS 2015

February 10th – April 18th, 2015 Dominique Lévy London 22 Old Bond Street, London

Today Dominique Lévy Gallery presents Sotto Voce, the second show at its new London space.
This exhibition connects

artists from around the world, united by a common medium: the abstract white relief.
From the earliest unfoldings of figuration by Henri Laurens produced in Paris to the harmonious constructions of the Brazilian Sergio Camargo, Sotto Voce will map the progression of the abstract white relief geographically and through time, with a focus on the 1930s to 1970s.

Camargo_Untitled (288)_1970
Sergio Camargo Untitled (288) 1970 Painted wood 120 x 100 cm © Galeria Raquel Arnaud – Estate of Sergio Camargo

Alongside Laurens and Camargo, the exhibition features works by Jean Arp, Ben Nicholson, Lucio Fontana, Piero Manzoni, En- rico Castellani, Fausto Melotti, Günther Uecker, Luis Tomasello, and Mira Schendel, amongst others. While the white palette may give the works a soft voice, their messages are loud and clear, whether they may be a cry of hope, an attempt at nothingness, an ex- pression of aesthetic idealism, or a surge to- wards transcendence. Sotto Voce will demonstrate how this subtle yet forceful dialogue was carried out internationally through the language of the white relief by artists at the forefront of their respective movements, rang- ing from Surrealism to the Zero Group, Spa- tialism to Minimalism, and Conceptual Art to Constructivism.


Nicholson_1936(white relief)_1936
Ben Nicholson 1936 (white relief) 1936 Oil on carved mahogany on plywood (in artist’s frame) 66 x 83.8 cm © AngelaVerrenTaunt 2015. All rights reserved, DACS



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