FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

ART NEWS: @ArtBasel and @Kickstarter Team Up to Crowd-Fund for Art projects.

Art Basel in Basel 2014 General Impression © Photo by Daniela & Tonatiuh

Art Basel is partnering with Kickstarter to promote non-commercial projects by non-profit art organizations around the world. Over the past five years Kickstarter has funded more than 69,000 projects, with more than $1.3 billion in pledges from nearly 7 million backers. The fair will have its own curated page on Kickstarter.

“Our crowd-funding initiative will bring new support and visibility to one of the areas where it is most needed in today’s artworld—those non-profit arts organizations worldwide that serve as the foundation and testing ground for so many important cultural projects,”

said Art Basel director Marc Spiegler

The Art Projects to be funded will be chosen from with the existing Kickstater community by jurors Hammad Nasar of Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong; Glenn Phillips of Los Angeles’s Getty Research Institute; and Mari Spirito of Protocinema.



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