FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

ART NEWS: Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton support campaign to create Giant Treehouses in Regents Park as platforms for Art.



Internal Shot of the Aerial Arena

Artists Claudia Moseley & Edward Shuster are in the midst of a crowdfunding campaign for a new art project for Regent’s Park – The Invisible City. The project, which was inspired by the artists meeting up a tree, follows the success of the critically acclaimed TreeHouse Gallery (2009) and will consist of never-before-seen giant, treehouse pavilions as radical new platforms for public use. Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter are patrons of the project and some of London’s most exciting artists are involved including Bjork and Martyn Ware.

Helena Bonham Carter: “Claudia and Ed have such imagination, this project is so exciting!”

Tim Burton: “This is such a fresh way to combine art and nature.”

The artists, with the support of The Royal Parks, are using crowdfunding to create this innovative public platform for art within nature. They are using the campaign to invite members of the public and artistic groups to suggest happenings, performances, workshops, talks and debates on social media. In this way donors can become founders, co-creating the experience of the project and helping to generate a “social organism as a work of art”, after Joseph Beuys.

Acting as an intervention into the nature of the city, the project hopes to re-map territory between nature and culture, inspiring new forms of creative collaboration and celebrating the transformative power of the natural environment.

The project will create a new way for culture, nature and community to meet in an ecologically sound way. If their target is met the project will be open to the public for 3 months this summer, after which it’s ‘nomadic’ pavilions will move to other locations.

The campaign, which is running on Kickstarter, will end on the 28 March.



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George Rouy Dissimulated Nude 2024 Oil and acrylic on linen 240 x 190 x 3.5 cm / 94 1/2 x 74 3/4 x 1 3/8 in Courtesy the artist and Hannah Barry Gallery, London Photo: Damian Griffiths

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