FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

SHAUN CATON answers FAD’s Questions

Shaun Caton ‘Widdershins’ 5 hour performance at York St John University.
11 November 2011 Photo by Julius G Beltrame

FAD have teamed up with MEN gallery to present ‘THREE DAY WEEK’ A program of performance and installations at The Other Art Fair.

Featuring Shaun Caton and Derrick Santini. Below we interview Shaun about his work and his upcoming performance at The Other Art Fair.

1. Is this your first TOAF ? if so why are you exhibiting? If not why are you coming back?
Yes, my first time at TOAF.

2. Can you tell us more about your work and what are the main ideas you like to express?
I’ve been making live performances since 1983/84. The work has developed over a 30 year period to be a total experience involving movement, lighting, shadow play, sound, smell and transformation over time. The performances are all inspired by enigmatic found objects that come from deep history. These may be old bones, archaeological finds, ancient rubbish, a 17th century pewter whistle, doll’s heads, huge iron nails, moths, fungi etc… The work is its own universe of possibilities. I work in the tradiiton of the 17th century wunderkammer, or the early collector displaying strange items and artifacts in a small private museum.

3. How do you start the process of making work ?
Breathing and going into a trance like state.

4. Do you consider the viewer, when making your work ?
Yes, the viewers are very much incorporated into each performance in a variety of ways such as me staring at them, touching them or rubbing them. They may become a part of the performance or have a momentary interaction with me if I give them some object to hold or study.

5. What work will you be showing at TOAF ?
The performance is called the ‘Unscene Underbelly’ this curious title came to me in a daydream. I refers to something that is not a part of a scene or a school, that quite probably very unique and out on a limb. It also refers or relates to something that’s slightly hidden from view, secretive, an ‘underbelly’.

6. What was the most intelligent thing that someone said or wrote about your work?
‘I will have nightmares for weeks watching this but I can’t stop watching it because it is so fascinating’ a viewer 2009 outside MEN Gallery in Shoreditch, London.

7. Which artists would you most like to rip off, sorry, I mean appropriate as a critique of originality and authorship?
I am not influenced by other artists really. I admire the work of Hieronymous Bosch for its visual intricacy and coded meanings, I like the fleshiness of Soutine’s paintings and addiction to colour, I am deeply fond of the paintings of James Ensor. I am mostly interested in artists who existed without any name in prehistoric times. The concept of ripping off another artist is pointless to my mind.

8. What does you art cost ?
£1000 – £20,000 per work

9. Which art work are you most proud to have created ?
The next piece.

10. Final question if you had $75,000 to buy some art with , what would you buy ?
I could not afford to buy the art I would like to own. Not even with $75,000.

FAD have teamed up with MEN gallery to present ‘THREE DAY WEEK’ A program of performance and installations at The Other Art Fair.
Featuring Sean Caton and Derrick Santini. Below we interview Sean about his work and his upcoming performance at The Other Art Fair.
For more details follow this LINK



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