FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Giorgio Granozio Answers FADs Questions. TOAF/FAD #TWO





As part of FADs support for emerging artists we have teamed up with The Other Art Fair to showcase 14 of the exhibiting artists at Boxpark.

The Artists where chosen by Ryan Stanier (Fair Director TOAF) and Mark Westall ( Creative Director FAD) and they will have a piece of their work exhibited by poster In an exhibition at The Boxpark Gallery.

There will also be an art opening on Thursday May 3rd which will have live + performance art, Music + free drink + much more.

In the lead up to this event FAD will be showcasing each of the 14 Artists who were chosen
#TWO: Giorgio Granozio

1.If you weren’t an artist, what else would you be?
A quantum physicist.

2. Can you tell us more about your work and what are the main ideas you would like to express?
My real interest is to merge minimal geometric shapes with the urban and natural world. But once these images have been realized, they take me back to the original source, or more precisely to my mind. I like to mix different places and different contexts, as if I were here and there at the same time, but without actually moving.

3. How do you start the process of making work?
Visual images and sensations, not ideas, come to mind, then I have to stop and write them down, immediately! Often the whole process to realisation takes ages.

4. Do you consider the viewer, when making your work?
No, sorry, I don’t.

5. Name 3 artists that have inspired your work?
Lorenzo Lotto, Joseph Sima, Vladimir Malevich.

6. Name 3 of your least favourite artists.
Gilbert and George, Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin.

7. What defines something as a work of art?
Language, poetics, style.

8. In times of austerity, do you think art has a moral obligation to respond topically?
Yes and no, some artists are more involved in the actual social turmoil. For others what really counts is the intellectual honesty to their own language.

9. Anytime, any place – which artist’s body would you most like to inhabit?

10. What is your favourite ‘ism’?

11. What was the most intelligent thing that someone said or wrote about your work?
‘‘Very elegant and very talented’.

12. And the dumbest?
Someone responded to my work by saying, ‘I’m confused’!

13. Which artists would you most like to rip off, sorry, I mean appropriate as a critique of originality and authorship?
He’s not a visual artist, but a musician: John Cage.

14. Do you care what your art costs? State your reasons!
No, what I care about is to produce something valid.

15. If Moma and the Tate and the Pompidou wanted to acquire one of your works each, which would you want them to have?
Well, I’d split the work as a triptych!

16. What’s next for you?
More work – more creativity!

The Other Art Fair + FAD pre fair party Thursday May 3rd 2012 from 6pm at Boxpark
Join The Facebook Event for more info and a free drink: www.facebook.com/
www.theotherartfair.com/ www.boxpark.co.uk



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