‘UNFAIR’ Paris is a group show by EINE, William Blanchard, Noki and Mark Eley (Eley Kishimoto) with collaborations from Le Gun & Bare Bone artists:
Chris Bianchi, Harry Malt, Robert Rubbish, Neal Fox, Steph von Reiswitz, Frank Laws, Gavin Bennett and Anne McCloy with special guest artist “ARNIE”.
“By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.”
William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Macbeth
Against a brooding sky of political, social and financial uncertainty UNFAIR shows works by disparate artists who exemplify Englands rich tradition of POP Art and a niche slant on society.
Lebenson GALLERY 56 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris FRANCE
Tel +33 (0)9 81 88 75 61 Contact Stephan Lebenson director@lebensongallery.com
Ouverture Du mardi au Samedi de 11h à 19h