FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

EVERYTHING MUST GO, two week January Sale at Cultivate, What Price Art? Art Opening Thursday January 5th 2012


January 5th until January 15th
CULTIVATE, VYNER STREET, corner of Vyner Street and Mowlem Street, E2 9HA.

For two weeks only, art at knock down prices, savings, bargains, discounts, everything must go at Cultivate Vyner Street….

Everything must go, a January sale and a gallery wall (and floor) consisting of those pieces us artists need to clear out in order to make room for the space needed for all the fresh creativity that must take place in the new year. A January sale of the things left behind in the gallery after the all the busy shows of 2011, along with the art that needs to be cleared out of various selected artists’ studios in order to make way for the things that we are compelled to create in 2012… A sale that, just like every other January sale that’s happening around about now in every high street big and small, is about the clearing out those things left, making space ready for the new clothes, the new shoes, the new art, creating the space needed to start it all again in 2012…. Everything must go, what price art anyway? Come grab a bargain in our January sale…

What price art is the question we’ve been asking at Cultivate (and before Cultivate) 2011 the question we’ve been asking with the Stinging Netil, with Free Art Thursday, with the art drops and the painted vinyl left in trees, the painted cardboad left on tube trains, the painted canvas left on canal banks, that and all the questions thrown up by last September’s very well received What Price Art show at Cultivate Vyner Street, as well as the end of 2011 Art Is For life show that responded to all the pop up Christmas art shops, mulled wined fuelled sales, all the consumerism and giant new East London shopping malls piled high with ‘stuff’ for people to buy buy, rush and buy,.a time of plenty as all around us the economy crashes… These are times of plenty, make way for more, everything must go…

We shall have a WHAT PRICE ART? wall, a wall full of art that follows up the 2011 What Price Art? show, where once again you the buyer will be the ones setting the price and we the artists will not negotiate, whatever you say in terms of price, will be the price…



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