FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

David Hockney helps new gallery make splash

Nottingham Contemporary will open in November with more than 60 works by David Hockney, produced between 1960 and 1968. Alex Farquharson, the gallery’s director, said: “It was really me pondering the opening of Nottingham Contemporary and what the dream opening show would be. It really surprised me that a show like this hadn’t been done.”

The last show of its kind was a Hockney retrospective at London’s Whitechapel gallery in 1970. The Nottingham show will include one of the artist’s best known works, his Californian swimming pool painting A Bigger Splash (above). Farquharson hopes the exhibition will show how Hockney’s early work resonates with work produced today and how allusions to it can be found in work by a younger generation, including Elizabeth Peyton, Jack Pierson and Frances Stark.
Via (The Guardian)



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