FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Empty Space playlist for 4th December

Here is the playlist and listings for our radio show on 4th December.

Podcast/MP3 of the show now available here: First Hour | Second Hour.

During the first hour, our guest was Mark Mozaz Wallace (AKA 0742) of pretentiousartist.com and the Campaign Against Primate Change

During the second hour we had our usual roundup of arts events in Sheffield, plus a report from our London correspondent Sue Schofield on two photography exhibitions: Peter Hujar at the ICA and Antoine d'Agata's Insomnia at the Photographer's Gallery.

Please contact us if you want to send us some music, produce a jingle or some radio art, or just get in touch about anything on the show.


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