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The Impact of Art in Online Slots Games

There’s no doubt that the slot game industry is a highly competitive one. New games are released every month, and the hope of their designers is that they will have a hit on their hands. The look of a game plays a major role in how successful a slot may become. Let’s discuss the impact of art in online slot games.

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

As you may well imagine, early slot games had a rather basic look. They were colorful though with all the fruit symbols, bells, 7s and bars. Those symbols did their job well though and attracted players.

The years rolled by though and just as with the most basic computer games, players wanted something a bit more sophisticated. First impressions are so important and that’s why impressive artwork is a must.

Improvements in modern technology allowed this to happen. Not only did slot games now have more paylines and when you play bonus slots the look of those rounds can take your breath away.

There are many online slot games that are based on television shows or movies. The artwork of such games is very important if they wish to be successful. Those games that have been licensed by the movie company are the ones that are often the most successful. 

With TV/movie-themed slots, there is already an in-built audience. If the game can feature symbols that are excellent replications of the main characters associated with the initial product, then the chances of it being a hit are high. This has been seen with the Jurassic Park/World games produced by Microgaming.

Why is it so important? Well, the minute that the slot player sees the artwork the memories of going to see the initial product come flooding back. Artwork in such themed games is also vital to its success for another reason. If the artwork is poor and you look at it thinking ‘just who is that supposed to be?’ then return visits might not take place.

There are several artwork styles employed in slot games. Online sites still include some of the retro slot games that have been so popular in the past. There’s nothing sophisticated at all about these games but there are still players who enjoy trying their luck on them.

Although you need to be of a legal age to play online slots, many games use themes that take players back to their childhood. The use of cartoonish symbols is popular with these games. If a game can instantly grab the attention of a player, then it’s well on its way to being successful.

Recent years have seen the artwork for slot games make massive strides. It’s no surprise that the levels of artwork are improving so much. Creative agencies and specialized art studios are being used by game developers to give their games a striking look.

Giving this task to an outside source can give the slot designers more time to concentrate on developing a game that has innovative features. The introductions alone are of an incredibly high standard, almost worthy of a Hollywood movie release. That’s just the start though with the actual game itself including artwork that can take your breath away.

There are so many different themes that are used for online slot games. Plenty of Egyptian or Aztec themed slots are on the market. The use of pyramids, ancient gods and Aztec temples always play their part in giving a game a great look. The artwork that is used has to adhere to the set theme. Halloween-related slot games are popular and not just in the month of October. Just like horror movies themselves, there can also be a degree of humor included in these slots. When that is the case, again some cartoonish looking artwork is used and regularly adds to the enjoyment of playing them.

On the other hand, some slot games can really go down the horror route. Dark gothic artwork can be used to give a scary look to the slot. They have to be careful not to cross the line and be too scary though. All the artwork isn’t just about what players see on the reels. The backdrop to a slot game is always important to ensure it has a great look to it. It needs to fit in with the theme of the game. This could be a scary forest or castle for a horror-themed slot or the rainbow and pot of gold if it’s an Irish-themed leprechaun slot.

Then there’s the use of a main character who can appear on the side of the reels and react to what is happening in the game. If it’s a character that is going to be popular with the players, then that’s another bonus.

Further advances in modern technology saw the arrival of video slots. These can include symbols that don’t just be there doing nothing at all just trying to look attractive. In many games, when a winning combination comes along, the successful symbol can become animated and start moving around adding to the excitement of your success.

3-D games have also arrived on the scene and that’s just the start of the revolution that will change the way online slots look. Virtual reality (VR) games are the next big step forward. Millions are being spent on ensuring that the metaverse can be successfully used in slot games. NFT (non-fungible token) assets are also beginning to play a part in the slot revolution.

VR helmets may make you look silly and still cost too much. However, they will play a huge role in the future of online slot games. The already impressive artwork is going to get even better and the immersive experience awaiting you is going to be spectacular.



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