FAD Magazine

FAD Magazine covers contemporary art – News, Exhibitions and Interviews reported on from London

Mark Mc Gowan; The Reenactment of the Manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson Monday 25th May

The Reenactment of the Manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson. Artist Mark McGowan is to re-enact the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson at this years G20 summit. It is to take place at 2PM at the site of the incident,
Royal Exchange, City of London.
In an extraordinary art event, artist Mark McGowan is to reenact the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson at this years G20 summit.
It is to take place at 2PM on Bank Holiday Monday 25 May 2009, at the site of the incident, Royal Exchange, City of London.
McGowan says,
“The police are to blame for this man’s death, but i can guarantee that NO ONE will be found guilty of this crime. This art installation’s intention is to raise awareness and protest against the Police and their inability to offer any responsability. In fact all they have done is lie and hinder from the very begining. This case will go exactly the same way as the Jean Charles de Menezes case. The police murdered that man then lied in court, but NOT ONE policeman was charged with purgery. I do not wish to upset any family members of Ian Tomlinson, only the authorities.”

This work is for;Police and Violence Show,Sassoon Gallery Peckham Saturday 6th June 4-9pm



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